Wednesday, December 20, 2006

A Rich Experience

Tonight we went Christmas carroling to the home of Jim and Lois Rich. They're both getting older, struggling with Parkinson's disease, Lois recently broke her collar bone, and Jim's had problems getting his medicines balanced. But just going to their home is such a blessing. I'm sure we blessed them by going, but they are such an encouragement to everyone else.

Old age and sickness isn't something anyone really looks forward to, but if God can use me like He does Jim Rich for His glory, then I'd like to live to be 150 years old! He's such a man of God just sitting there shaking on his sofa ... telling us that the important thing to remember about Christmas is that God sent His Son Jesus to save us so that we might have eternal life in Him. I needed to hear that tonight!

thinking of Jim and Lois ... and Jesus,

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Last night as we're eating supper, Yates asked Seth why one of his classmates was so mad coming out of the lunchroom. And as only a Down Syndrome child can say, "my teacher said his armpits smell; he needs to take a bath."

All of us at the table almost had to go take a bath after that comment!

Though he may be a special educ. student Seth's classmate didn't like to hear the bad news about his stinky self! But neither do I ... I don't like it when people point out my sin and stench. I'd much rather them just tell me how good, how attractive, how well mannered, how wonderful I am. Sure, they'd have to lie to do it, but at least I'd feel better. Why isn't God all about making me "feel better" about myself? Maybe he's more concerned with me embracing the thing that really is "better" - that'd be Him!

So feel free to remind me of my stinkiness and foul sin. I'll get mad and run out of the lunchroom, but God will meet me there and once again offer me the cleansing of Christ's blood and the sweet aroma of His Spirit.

smelly, but loved,

Monday, December 18, 2006

A New World

I told Anita to get some new shampoo next time she went to the store. Well, this morning I used the new bottle of Suave for men. It says it's a "deep cleaning" shampoo. What does that mean? The back side says it's "the right tool to thoroughly clean and remove build-up ... penetrating lather removes dulling residue left from the strongest gels and hairsprays."

My mom used gels and hairsprays and now my shampoo especially for men specializes in removing gels and hairspray. It's a new world out there!

Even sharing the Gospel ain't what it used to be. There was a day when all you had to do was give a guy a Gospel tract and assume he'd understand the concepts of sin and redemption. Those days are also just about gone ... presenting the Gospel is a total lifestyle of word and deed.

going to deep clean my hair,