Wednesday, February 08, 2006

What are you staring at?

Early this morning I took Yates to the orthodontist to get his retainer. Yates went on back to see Dr. Walker and left me sitting in the waiting room reading a book. As I was sitting there two ladies came out of the office area, walked to the middle of the room, and begin to stare up through a skylight. They were saying something but too soft for me to really hear. Their gaze was fixed on that skylight for 20-30 seconds (which is a long time to stare at something.) After they departed back into the office I had this insatiable urge to go stare up at that skylight just as they had done. I didn't . . . but I sure wanted to! We've all had that experience - we've observed someone staring at something and we often find ourselves staring at the same thing, without even consciously making the decision to do so.

I wonder what the world sees us Christians staring at? Is it Jesus? I really believe that if we would all fix our gaze upon Him the world would take note and take a look at Him as well. Unfortunately we stare at the same stuff the world does and we're considered rather insignificant and meaningless with nothing special to offer. Can you blame them? If Jesus isn't spectacular enough to captivate our attention, why should we expect the unbeliever to find Him appealing?

So what are you staring at? Pray with me that we would find Christ absolutely beautiful and His grace a stunning thing to behold. May His Spirit work this in us.

By the way, I did sneak a peek at the skylight on the way out!

fixing my gaze upon Jesus,


Blogger Crissy said...

So? What were they staring at? Don't leave me hangin'.

8:44 PM  
Blogger Yates Boykin said...

I have no idea - must have been some maintenance issue

6:02 AM  

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